Color Therapy Kit

Get started with light therapy! 

Many color therapy tools can cost upwards of $1,000 for a complete set of colors. I set out to create an affordable option so anyone could experience the incredible power of these fascinating treatment systems for themselves and their families. 

While there are steps you can take without a kit, this tool will allow you to explore a vast array of treatments and probe into what is holding you back from many angles so you can awaken your body’s own power to heal and access your full potential.

Overcome anxiety, freedom, beach, sunrise Overcome Anxiety with Colorpuncture How can you overcome anxiety with Colorpuncture? Almost everyone I know deals with anxiety at some point or another. But it doesn’t have to be a fact of life. We can learn where those feelings are coming from and what they mean. Below is a paragraph I wrote in 2014. This was still towards the […]
Stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed What to do when you feel stuck When you feel stuck or uncomfortableand are unsure what to door where to go next, Do you… Stall or distract yourself so you don’t have to make a decision? Do you… Get exhausted just from the thought of having to decide what to do or figure out something new? Do you… Find an escape like […]
what is colorpuncture? colorpuncture treatment in action What is Colorpuncture? When I first heard about colorpuncture, I looked all over for something that could really explain it to me. Unfortunately, there are not many resources online explaining it, which was surprising. How could something that has been so effective with no side effects, that extends what can be done with a widely used and accepted […]
The Science of Light Therapy: Part 2 Here we’ll take a look at recent developments of the science of light therapy and science at the edge of our perception and understanding. This is where the line starts to blur between the physical and the metaphysical. There is so much to explore and the details can get very dense. I’ve tried to provide […]
The Science of Light Therapy: Part 1 This article will provide an overview of the basic science of light therapy, including how visible light and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum affect our biology. Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible light is a small band of frequencies within the extensive electromagnetic spectrum, ~400-800 THz (trillion cycles per second) OR ~380-700nm in wavelength. Schumann Resonance Every […]
mental illness, power in your hands Understanding Mental Illness A reframe for this particular category of dis-ease How can we begin understanding mental illness in a way that promotes healing? Modern medicine, particularly in the area of mental health, tells us that there is something wrong with us. That we are flawed and that we need an outside source to fix us. This serves […]


Making a Difference

I’m Scott.

It took me two decades to overcome severe depression and finally begin to thrive in every aspect of my life. Now I am dedicated to helping others find their light and overcome stuck patterns and programs that keep so many people down.

So many aspects of modern life disconnect us from our true selves and make it incredibly challenging to live happy and healthy – free of anxiety, full of energy and passion for life. But these things are accessible and achievable for everyone. Yes, it will require work and possibly making big changes in your life, but once you get the ball rolling, you’ll find that you’re more than ready to knock down anything that stands in your way from finding your truest path.

I’m here to teach you how to find this power in yourself using light and other energetic and spiritual techniques. There is so much beauty and magic in this world once you learn how to see it and I can’t wait to help show you.

I focus my practice on the principle that,

“Real help is offering the possibility of accompanying the person, in their frustration and trouble, part of the way — and trying to free them from their obstacles and show them new directions, yet allowing them to decide themselves which direction they want to take.”

(Not mine, my friend just has a fancy phone camera)

RYL Community

Energetic Healing Forum

Share, learn, grow and heal with others.

Keep an open mind and your comments positive. That doesn’t mean you can’t share emotional or challenging experiences, but that you should never judge or put anyone down. We’re all here to remember our light and help each other shine.

Free Techniques

The Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room

Simple, yet powerful practice that should be used periodically as part of a process towards opening yourself up to the full spectrum of life and improving wellbeing.

third eye color point sq

Third Eye Color Point

A simple technique to regulate emotions and bring you joy or to help with anxiety and calming of the limbic system.

Personal Sun

Personal Sun

We wouldn’t be here without the sun. It’s the most important light we can immerse ourselves in on Earth.

Life Coaching / Energy Guidance

It is powerful to ask for help but you cannot expect someone else to fix anything for you.

I’m here to help guide you to realizing the power you have to help yourself and create everything you want in this life.