Cultivating Positive States of Mind Event Recording & Resources


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Learn to transmute unpleasant states to create a more positive, peaceful and empowered inner world.

We will not be learning to meditate and ignore these negative internal experiences and we will not be brute forcing our way to more bliss. We will receive these signals and energies, use their own force, and with artful and intentional redirection, modulate them to pattern formation of more supportive thoughts and states of mind.

We will also look at encouraging positive and aligned states to help guide you in everything you do – including techniques for self hypnosis.

I used to write and direct experimental theatre plays and produced them in NYC and the surrounding area. That experience has definitely driven the development of how I have structured this event. Not only will it be a unique experience, an intimate and connected group energy experience – it will also be highly practical and applicable to everyday life.

What you’ll get:

– Recorded access to the 2 hour workshop

– Learn several different approaches for transforming different kinds of internal experiences

– Several visualization and embodiment exercises

– Specific steps for inquiry and shifting beliefs and patterns

– Other techniques and tools you can use

– Printable worksheet of techniques


“Wow. The journeys were really powerful. I was surprised by just how quickly they transported my state of mind.”

“They are definitely something I see myself returning back to and using. Really valuable things you shared.”

“Today was really special. I found myself calling back on things you said throughout the day. Thank you for creating that/sharing it with us.”

“I had so much fun, what a great experience! I now have more tools to navigate my energy and how that translates to my experience with everything else!”


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