Podcast Ep. 5: Individual & Shared Growth in Relationships

In this Episode, I chat with couples coaching team Hailey McNeal and Dave Mox, on how to be personally and collectively powerful within all of our relationships – from our most intimate ones to our most fleeting and casual relationships.  This starts with taking responsibility for our own experience first and finding self-love and creative […]

Podcast Ep. 4: The Nature of Light & Power of Imagination

In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Pravir Malik to discuss his Cosmology of Light, a unique unified theory of the deeper reality of our universe that is highly dependent on our concept of light.  Inspired by a reoccurring altered consciousness experience Dr. Malik had as a child and his fascination with the nature of […]

Podcast Ep. 3: Opening up your world & finding your best, believable reality

In this episode, I have a discussion with a coach and movement specialist friend of mine, Julien Williams all centered around why we should never shut ourselves off from any information as it only limits our power. We talk about how exploring spiritual knowledge and models opened us up to new information. We talk about […]

Podcast Ep. 2: Forget about your diet & heal your relationship with food

For over a decade, I’ve researched nutritional science and tried to find the perfect diet for optimal performance, health and to heal digestive issues I had growing up.  I’ve experimented with countless diets as I continued to refine my knowledge and test out different methods. I was very disciplined with my diet choices so that […]

RYL Podcast Pilot: Why are your beliefs so important?

In this episode, we’ll examine why our beliefs literally create the world that we experience. Everything we perceive, is filtered through the lens of our beliefs – we can also literally create change in our own bodies and in the world around us by changing our beliefs and expectations.  We’ll look at some examples of […]

Overcome Anxiety with Colorpuncture

Overcome anxiety, freedom, beach, sunrise

How can you overcome anxiety with Colorpuncture? Almost everyone I know deals with anxiety at some point or another. But it doesn’t have to be a fact of life. We can learn where those feelings are coming from and what they mean. Below is a paragraph I wrote in 2014. This was still towards the […]

What to do when you feel stuck

Stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed

When you feel stuck or uncomfortableand are unsure what to door where to go next, Do you… Stall or distract yourself so you don’t have to make a decision? Do you… Get exhausted just from the thought of having to decide what to do or figure out something new? Do you… Find an escape like […]

The Space of Soulful Knowing

5 minute visualization and meditation technique for when you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, agitated or down. When things don’t seem to be going your way or your reactions are not coming from your highest or most centered place. This will help to integrate the shadows imprinted on your ego with your own highest guidance so […]

What is Colorpuncture?

what is colorpuncture? colorpuncture treatment in action

When I first heard about colorpuncture, I looked all over for something that could really explain it to me. Unfortunately, there are not many resources online explaining it, which was surprising. How could something that has been so effective with no side effects, that extends what can be done with a widely used and accepted […]

The Science of Light Therapy: Part 2

Here we’ll take a look at recent developments of the science of light therapy and science at the edge of our perception and understanding. This is where the line starts to blur between the physical and the metaphysical. There is so much to explore and the details can get very dense. I’ve tried to provide […]