Learn how to trust the wisdom inherent in your energetic body. Our daily reality and what we can normally observe often encourages us to doubt ourselves and our abilities, especially when things aren’t turning out how we’d like. But you have all the power within you to heal and achieve anything you want. This is a process and just requires commitment and an open mind. This is a great place to get started.

Free Techniques

Get started with simple light therapy techniques to help you start to open your heart and mind to the full spectrum of light and life and your full potential.

Color Therapy Kit

Get started with light therapy! I created an affordable option so anyone could experience the incredible power of these fascinating treatment systems for themselves and their families. 

While there are steps you can take without a kit, this tool will allow you to explore an incredibly vast array of treatments and probe into what is holding you back from many angles. The basic kit will come with 10 main colors used in Peter Mandel’s extensively researched colorpuncture system, but to make this accessible I have leveraged the practical concepts of Spectrochrome color therapy, which has been around even longer. 

Life Coaching / Energy Guidance