The Science of Light Therapy: Part 1

This article will provide an overview of the basic science of light therapy, including how visible light and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum affect our biology. Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible light is a small band of frequencies within the extensive electromagnetic spectrum, ~400-800 THz (trillion cycles per second) OR ~380-700nm in wavelength. Schumann Resonance Every […]

Understanding Mental Illness

mental illness, power in your hands

A reframe for this particular category of dis-ease How can we begin understanding mental illness in a way that promotes healing? Modern medicine, particularly in the area of mental health, tells us that there is something wrong with us. That we are flawed and that we need an outside source to fix us. This serves […]

Personal Sun

We wouldn’t be here without the sun. It’s the most important light we can immerse ourselves in on Earth. There are agendas that try to dim your light by treating sunlight as a poison; a carcinogen that must be avoided. But a life without the sun is not a life at all. We need the […]

Third Eye Color Point

Simple technique to regulate emotions and bring you energy and joy Though I call this technique “Third Eye Color Point,” rather than referring to the Third Eye Chakra or energy center, it utilizes a more explicit point from colorpuncture referred to as the Limbic point, useful helping to regulate the Limbic system. The Limbic system […]

The Rainbow Room

Color Light Visualization for Emotional & Spiritual Growth This technique is a simple, yet powerful practice that should be used periodically as part of a process towards opening yourself up to the full spectrum of life and improving wellbeing. You will be able to go back to the visualization to measure your progress and discover […]

What if? A Thought Experiment in Consciousness

The Universe As Consciousness “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck “The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more […]

What is a light diet?

This is not about ‘light/lite” foods. Truthfully, if something in a store says ‘light/lite’ (lite yogurt, lite olive oil, lite butter WHA?), it’s almost certainly worse for you. But this post is about much more than eating whole food. Your light diet is comprised of the information you get from light exposure (you can lump […]

Why Light Therapy?

“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say, emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” Fritz-Albert Popp Light (electromagnetic energy) is so much more intrinsic to our nature than we can realize through our physical senses. In […]

The Case for Energy Medicine

“A prominent paradigm in contemporary medicine is that we are primarily biochemical beings. A whole pharmaceutical industry essentially dictates that drugs are one of the most effective approaches to bring about system modulation and healing in an organism.” Karl H. Maret “We will see that because scientist are also human, the process of evaluating claims […]

Your Responsibility & Path to Healing

If you really want to heal and get what you want out of life, you have to take responsibility for directing your personal energies. There is no thing that ‘upsets you’ or can ‘upset you’ other than yourself. Don’t give that power to anyone else. You don’t need anyone else to validate your power, you […]