Color Light Visualization for Emotional & Spiritual Growth

This technique is a simple, yet powerful practice that should be used periodically as part of a process towards opening yourself up to the full spectrum of life and improving wellbeing. You will be able to go back to the visualization to measure your progress and discover new steps in your development.

The Technique

Imagine you are sitting in a room, a place you feel comfortable and can fully relax. For now, nothing else matters to you aside from being in this room. You look up and the room has a glass ceiling open to a clear sky on a sunny day. The sunlight beams through the glass and fills the room with light and bathes you in it’s pure, gentle light.

Imagine a dial in your hands that allows you to adjust the brightness to your liking.

As you breathe, fill yourself up with this light and notice how you feel. Is this comfortable? Do your body rhythms or sensation change? What feelings, memories or images come up?

When you are ready, take a breath and write down notes on your experience.

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Now, you have another dial that allows you to change the color of the glass above your head. You start at the beginning of the rainbow and change the glass to red. The light streaming through, filling the room is now bright red. How does the red light feel to you as it fills you and the room around you? Are you comfortable? Unsettled? Want to move on to the orange dome? Can’t visualize the red light at all?

If you decide to bypass red and move to orange make a note of it. If you decide to experience red, take a breath and dial in the intensity to begin filling yourself with this soft, red light. Again, notice any sensations, emotions or memories that come up. Stay there as long as you like.

Once you are done experiencing red, return to the gentle, pure white sunlight you began with streaming through clear glass. Take a few deep breaths and then write down some notes about your time in the red light.

Continue this way through each color of the rainbow: orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (deep blue like the bottom of the ocean), and violet.

Remember to record your sensations for each color.

Share your experiences in the forum and we can talk more about what this all means and what you can do with it. You can also learn more below about how to evolve this practice and the concepts through which it works.

Ongoing Practice

Return to the color dome a few times per day for 1-2 minutes.

Cycle through the colors in any order & adjust the intensity as you like.

If you are feeling agitated, return to colors that soothe.

If you are feeling centered, explore colors that have been challenging.

Increase your exposure over time to challenging colors.

Explaining the Rainbow Room Visualization

Imagine you can watch a movie of your life. Scenes of happy or calming times leave you feeling calm and relaxed – you become open and aware and you experience more and more fully. Physically and metaphysically, your field of vision increases.

When upsetting memories appear, you recoil. They are hard to watch and your body tries to protect you by limiting your vision and decreasing your emotional connection.

Even though these events are no longer happening and are only projections of light that you are perceiving, your body responds with either receptivity or rejection of this vibrational information based on our associated feelings.

We can leverage techniques using colored light and visualization of colored light as a proxy for these experiences. Just as some of your past experiences are easier to view or more challenging to view, the colors from our visualization that match the energetic signature of past events or themes will also be easy or challenging to perceive.

We can then use this as a tool. By decreasing sensitivity to certain colors we are ‘allergic’ to, it can help us to confront those emotions and patterns that inhibit our lives and our perspective.
Anything that catches your eye is actually looking for you.

Frequencies (specific energies) we’re unable to absorb are reflected into our environment and create experiences that signal to us how we must change our behavior or shift our perspective to live in more harmony with higher aspects of ourselves (aspects we don’t have full conscious awareness of but help to make up our true nature). Many light therapy techniques will provide their most intense and transformative effects through experiences that manifest as a result of the treatment.

More simply: If something is uncomfortable, that is a message from higher intelligence. Explore it. Use that trigger to evolve.

As we gradually embrace each color, we will expand our perception and begin to embrace the full spectrum of life. This increasing openness to the color spectrum will help us to face those aspects and events in our lives that we find difficult so we can understand why they are challenging and shift how we reflect energy to create a more positive environment for our growth.

Measuring Your Progress

Imagine tubes across your torso, one for each of the 7 colors of the rainbow.

Now imagine a beam of light entering your eyes and passing through a prism of your consciousness, splitting into 7 rivers of light—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & violet—as it flows down to fill each of the tubes.

Some tubes may fill up. Others might be empty. Others in between. Notice the differences. Notice changes and if you are able to hold more of colors that were once difficult for you to embrace.

As you grow to fill all the tanks your awareness will increase and you will find true presence in life, able to better understand your individual program and how to navigate every situation effortlessly.

What do the colors mean?

Below is a brief guide for the colors of the rainbow and how they relate to chakras / energy centers along with a few other notes about what each color has used for in various light therapies including colorpuncture.

You can use this to help decode your responses from the previously posted visualization exercise, but remember that everyone’s perception is unique and you may certainly find relationships to these colors outside this guide, particularly related to social symbols that may not perfectly correlate. It is merely a subtle reference for you based on recognized patterns over many years.

Further Reading & Acknowledgements

To provide a little more insight into how light relates to our energy centers, you may want to check out a book called Invisible Rainbow by physicist Changlin Zhang. In explaining the mechanisms behind esoteric healing modalities like acupuncture, he reveals the human body’s complex and subtle interactions of electromagnetic waves that guide communication and processes and coalesce into standing wave patterns in the body that produce focal points like meridians and chakras. He also discusses research that shows how acupuncture points can vary across the population so that each of our standing wave signatures show up uniquely.

Christopher Hills, in ‘Nuclear Evolution: Discovery of the Rainbow Body’ discusses how the chakras correspond to major endocrine glands.


The Rainbow Room technique is based off Dr. Jacob Liberman’s Color Dome Visualization.