“A prominent paradigm in contemporary medicine is that we are primarily biochemical beings. A whole pharmaceutical industry essentially dictates that drugs are one of the most effective approaches to bring about system modulation and healing in an organism.”
Karl H. Maret
“We will see that because scientist are also human, the process of evaluating claims is not as pristinely rational or logical as the general public believes.”
Dean Radin, Ph.D.
“Over the last two decades, a new paradigm has been emerging—that we are more fundamentally energetic and informational beings with sophisticated, high-speed communication channels in our living connective tissues, cellular processes, and even nuclear DNA expression.”
Karl H. Maret
This paradigm has roots in esoteric human wisdom that is thousands of years old.
“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy. Treating humans without the concept of energy is treating dead matter.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
“[Bruce] Lipton’s experiments demonstrate that the nucleus is not the control center of the cell. The cell membrane receives signals from the outside world, interprets those signals in relation to its condition and that of all other cells in the body, and then transmits the appropriate information into the interior of the cell.”
Peter H. Fraser & Harry Massey
“These processes are better described using the language and principles of quantum physics, including quantum resonance, entanglement, and non-locality, which is beginning to be applied to macroscopic processes inside living organisms.”
Karl H. Maret
“I call the totality of these activities “quantum jazz” to highlight the immense diversity and multiplicity of players, the complexity and coherence of the performance, and above all, the freedom and spontaneity.”
Mae-Wan Ho
“In liberating herself from the laws of mechanical physics, from mechanical determinism and mechanistic control, the organism becomes a sentient, coherent being that is free, from moment to moment, to explore and create her possible futures.”
Mae-Wan Ho